Office Basics

Office Basics

Status: LIVE

Office Basics

  • You are free to use whatever facility you want, whenever you want. Except meeting rooms, which should be booked.

  • You can work wherever you want. If it's sunny outside, go for it.

  • There are no opening times at the office, you can come and go whenever you please. If you're in the area on the weekend and want to pick up a book or whatever, go for it.

  • You are welcome to spend time at the office outside of work. E.g. for an after-work beer on our terrace.

  • You are generally welcome to invite guests to the office for events like after-work beers, BBQ sessions, etc. But you are responsible for them (see Security Protocol )

  • You are welcome to bring your family or friends to the office and show them where you work, and such things.

  • Keep the office looking neat and tidy, don't use the office as a storage area for your personal belongings. While you are welcome to bring reasonable personal belongings and keep them at the office, please stow them away in the designated storage zones. Please don't hoard things under or near your desk. Ask the OM if you need guidance on where you can put things.

  • Take your plates and such back to the kitchen. You are however welcome to leave your personal glass (or mug) on your desk, the cleaning team will round it up and put in the dishwasher.

  • Privacy Alert: the Vienna office has a security camera.

  • Use available coasters if you place glasses on your desk or on meeting room desks.

See also


