App Store / Play Store Accounts

App Store / Play Store Accounts

Status: Draft

App Store / Play Store Accounts

Default process

  • The preferred option is that clients provide us with an existing Google Play or the Apple App store account.

  • What is the process for app store deployment if the customer does not yet have an account set-up yet?

    • Give them the info on how to set up the account, and then they should invite us to them. See instructions below.

    • If they can not or do not want to set the account up (mainly Apple, because this is a bit tricky) we can support them in doing it. Nevertheless legally we are not allowed to do it for them. See Become a member - Apple Developer Program

    • We used to provide the option on doing it for customer, but this is not the case any more.


Creating an Apple App Store account

  1. Create a dedicated e-mail address, that serves as the account owner’s address.

    1. Create a new Gmail address or

    2. let the client provide a suitable email address e.g. apps@client-domain.com.

  2. Create an appleID for the Apple App store. Name it according to the client e.g. "9y-media-group@gmail.com". Do not forget to also add the credentials for this account into our credentials manager.

  3. Create the app store account and invite other team members and your own 9Y address as administrators for the account. If we are using our credit card for a customer’s Apple App Store account, then use a dedicated virtual Credit Card for this. Ask HoF to issue you one (it’s no big deal).


Costs associated with App Store accounts

  • App Store: 100 EUR/300 EUR per year for a normal/enterprise account + VAT on top.

  • Google Play Store: 25 USD for the account creation, once.






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