Stock Photos

Stock Photos

Status:Ā LIVE

Stock Photos


  • Check the license for photos. If in doubt, askĀ @Daniel Fass or @Luka Mirosevic

  • Don't just take an image from Google Images and hope for the best. That's bad.

  • We don't have an active subscription to a stock photo service like Shutterstock.

  • If you need stock photos, useĀ https://unsplash.com/, https://www.pexels.com/ or https://pixabay.com . You can use other sources of royalty-free stock photos, we don't have a hard rule here.

  • If you can't find any royalty-free stock photos, feel free to search for paid ones. Tip: https://envato.com. If a photo costs money, and it's a good fit for a project, we're happy to pay for it. Ask for budget from your AL.



