Per Diems

Per Diems

Status: LIVE

Per Diems

  • 9Y will pay out a per diem for travels that you do on behalf of the company.

  • If you are going on a business trip, send your request for the per diem to billing@9y.co.

  • You are in principle welcome to mix business and private. E.g. business meeting in Italy on Friday, stay on for the weekend for fun. You will only get per diems for the business part.

  • The amount of the per diem is according to a fixed tariff (see below). We don’t typically perform the legally permitted deductions (e.g. when dinner is provided).

  • We don’t pay out per-diems for team buildings like the annual summit.

  • For voluntary trips (or voluntary extensions), we don’t pay per-diems.

    • e.g. client invites you to NY for 3 days but you want to stay an additional 4 days: we’ll only pay for the 3 days.

  • Tariff for Austrian employees:

  • Tariff for Croatian employees:

    • We match the per diem rates as in Austria (they’re voluntary in Croatia, and upper limits)

    • Exception: trips to Austria are 31 EUR/day

  • Special rules may apply for travel shorter than 24h. Or for repeat travel to the same location exceeding a certain number of days per year. Basically, we follow the national laws. You can ask the HoF for the specifics (the rules are too long and complicated to explain here).




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