Accommodation Expenses

Accommodation Expenses

Status: LIVE

Accommodation Expenses

General Rules

  • 9Y will reimburse you for travels that you do on behalf of the company. (In this context, “travel” excludes the daily commute between home and office).

  • In principle the company will pay for any travel expenses. Use your company credit card or ask the HoF to book accommodation for you. This is the preferred option (as opposed to having employees pay expenses up front and getting reimbursed later).

  • If you pay for travel expenses out of pocket, we will reimburse the actual costs (option 1). In Austria only, it’s also possible to pay a fixed-tariff overnight allowance (option 2) instead of reimbursing the actual costs. This is a pain in the ass, so try to avoid the reimbursement path – always try to avoid paying for things out of pocket, and just pay for things with company credit cards whenever possible.

  • You are in principle welcome to mix business and private. E.g. business meeting in Italy on Friday, stay on for the weekend for fun. Costs for the private part will be calculated out and not reimbursed.

Reimbursement option 1: Actual Costs

  • Send the invoice to billing@9y.co and you will be reimbursed for the full amount.

  • Get approval for the expenses from your Team Lead.

Reimbursement option 2: Overnight Allowance (only available in Austria)

  • If you paid for the accommodation yourself, or you are staying with a friend, or you lost the invoice, then you can get an overnight allowance reimbursement according to the fixed tariff.

  • If you got a reimbursement for actual costs (option 1 above), then the overnight allowance doesn’t apply.

  • If the company provides you with accommodation, e.g. hotel paid up by the company, then the overnight allowance doesn’t apply.

  • Tariff for Austrian employees:




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