Company Expenses

Company Expenses

Status: LIVE

Company Expenses

Basic Rules

  • In principle, anyone is empowered to make purchases on behalf of the company.

  • Get prior approval from your Team Lead. No formal requirements, just tell them what it is and why, via in-person/Slack/email. Once they say OK, you can go and buy whatever it is that you need yourself.

  • Once approved, you can make the purchase yourself with company money. Take care to follow the purchasing procedure, see below. Alternatively, you can send a link to whatever you need purchase to the HoF with a polite request that this should be bought for you.

  • If you need to make purchases often, you can request a company credit card from our HoF. We can issue virtual and physical cards. Virtual cards can be issued instantly. Physical cards take about 2 weeks.

  • If you don’t have a credit card, and this is the only accepted payment method, then borrow one from one of your colleagues, after informing the HoF.

Purchasing procedure

  • Inform our HoF that you intend to make the purchase, 72h in advance. We keep limited funds on the accounts that back our credit cards, so we may need to pre-fund these for larger purchases.

  • Clarify with our HoF which billing address to use. And take care to enter the correct company address. Don’t put your name or personal address.

  • Enter the correct VAT number (ask HoF) during checkout.

  • (Croatia only) always ask for an R1 invoice and provide our OIB number.

  • (Business lunch/dinners only) Tell the HoF what the purpose was of the lunch and whom you met with.

  • Keep the invoice and send it to billing@9y.co. Add a note whether this has already been paid for or if our HoF should pay for it.




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