Time Tracking
Status: LIVE
Time Tracking
Track all time that you work. If you work on weekends or on a train and you're genuinely working, then track it.
Time tracking must be complete. Your holiday allowance and salary are tied to this.
Your time worked must be tracked within 24h of doing the work. No exceptions.
Don't track time spent at lunch. Or breaks.
(Croatian employees only). Your lunch break counts as paid worktime, and this will be added to your worktime by the Finance Team. Don’t track this time.
For tiny work interruptions (e.g. go to the toilet, smoke a cigarette, answer the door in the office) you can just continue tracking. And you don’t need to split the worklog off. Applies to any interruption under 10 minutes.
Some activities have specific time tracking rules. E.g. dinners with customers can be tracked up to 2 hours, after the proverbial third beer you are on your private time. Find out what these are from the AL: Activity Lead. In case of doubt ask your Team Lead.
You yourself are responsible for correct tracking. Do a weekly check to ensure that everything is recorded properly.
If in doubt where exactly to track, just ask the your Project Lead (for project specific tasks) or your Team Lead (for company tasks).
Here’s a short video intro: