Job Applications

Job Applications

Status: LIVE

Job Applications

Subject: <the sender’s one> OR Thanks for your application to 9Y.


thanks for applying at 9Y.
We successfully received your application and are already putting our heads together to let you know how best to proceed.

If you haven’t already, please send us your CV. And if you’re interested, you can read about how our hiring process works (along with many other things about 9Y’s inner workings) here: https://9y-media.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/9RPBK/pages/806518815/Hiring+Process

Expect to hear back from us in a few days.

Your friends at 9Y

  • If the application is unsuited, always answer the applicant. You can use one of the templates below. But don’t forget to also mention the reason, why it wasn’t a good fit. This should be a real reason and not a generic canned response.

🇬🇧 Subject: Your application

Dear xxx,

thank you for your application and your interest in our company. As you can imagine, we received a large number of applications. Therefore I am sorry to inform you that you haven't been selected for an interview for this position, because we we’re searching for someone with XYZ skills / more experience,… . 

Thanks for the time you invested in applying for the job.

Best wishes for a successful job search.


🇩🇪 Betreff: Deine Bewerbung

Liebe(r) xxx,

vielen Dank für Deine Bewerbung und das in uns gesetzte Interesse.

Leider vergeben wir derzeit keine Plätze als XXXXX, sodass ich Dir keine positive Rückmeldung geben kann.

Ich wünsche Dir jedoch trotzdem für Deine berufliche und private Zukunft alles Gute.

Liebe Grüße,


