Profit Centers

Profit Centers

Status: LIVE

Profit Centers

Here are some rules when to create new profit centers and when not.

What are profic centers

  • They are an identifier for project expenses and efforts

  • They are collected in a spreadsheet on drive:

  • They are used in offers (as part of the offer number). See Offer Numbers .

  • They are used in accounting


Rules when to add a new profit center or to reuse existing one

  • One profit center per project phase(i.e.g. Version 2 or Phase 2 etc. … get a new profit center).

  • If a project has separate squads (e.g. Ukio Cle and Ukio Meli), then each gets its own profit center (so that each AL has their own project profitability separated from other ALs)

  • If a single customer has multiple projects, e.g. Anyline Energy and Water vs Anyline Keyboard. Or POS VideoIdent vs POS PhotoIdent. Then each project is on a different profit center. That means a single customer could end up with multiple profit centres assigned to him, and that’s fine.





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