Using Company Property (Hardware and co.)

Using Company Property (Hardware and co.)

Status: Draft

Using Company Property (Hardware and co.)

  • We own many devices (testing phones, laptops, headphones, cables, …).

    • Some of this company property is assigned to you on a permanent basis. E.g. your laptop, headphones, your personal phone if you’re a PM or part of the Sales Team.

    • Other things, you use on a temporary basis. E.g. testing devices, cables, etc.. These are things that you “borrow”.

  • When borrowing devices, please stick to these principles:

    • In principle you can borrow whatever you need with minimal bureaucracy.

    • When finished, put it back where you found it.

    • If you intend to hog something (=use it long enough that someone else might miss it), then notify your colleagues who might also need it. E.g. a short Slack message in the Product Team channel a la “I’ll be using the iPhone X for the next few days.“

    • You can take devices home for testing too. If you want to do this, please inform your Team Lead and the HoF of what you’re taking, be sure to include the following infos:

      • What is it? (e.g. iPad Pro 11)

      • 9Y serial number. This is the little sticker that is on all devices. If you can’t find it, ask the HoF. Some small items like cables don’t have stickers, nonetheless, to prevent disappearing stuff syndrome, please also let the HoF know when you take this with you.

  • Bring stuff back as soon as you’re done with it, and inform the HoF that you did so.



