Walk A Mile In My Shoes

Walk A Mile In My Shoes

Status: LIVE


The “Walk A Mile In My Shoes” is a program that allows an employee to follow a fellow employee from the same or another team.

What are some examples?

  • A sales employee shadows a project manager for a couple of hours.

  • A project manager asks an engineer about his work process, challenges he encounters or how a project works from a technical standpoint.

  • An engineer asks a fellow engineer specialised in another tech stack for an overview and introduction of said tech stack in a working project.

The goal is to tighten the relationship between individuals and give everyone a greater insight into how others work.


When taking part in the WAMIMS program be aware that

  • The employee you’re following will not be as productive. This will be taken into account when in the resource planning.

  • By default, you may follow someone up to 4 hours. If 30 minutes is all you need, that’s fine too. If you need more, then get approval from your Team Lead first.


How to take part in the program

  1. Check with the person whom you’d like to follow to make sure they’re comfortable with that first.

  2. Get in touch with your Team Lead and let them know.

  3. If in agreement, the participants will schedule a time slot that works for both of them and inform the Team Lead.



