Damage to Company Property

Damage to Company Property

Status: LIVE

Damage to Company Property

  • The company provides us all with equipment that we can use, take home, etc.

  • It’s possible that something gets damaged. There’s 3 cases:

    1. It malfunctions though no fault of the user.

    2. The user breaks it, an accident happens, it gets stolen, etc. For example: dog jumps on the laptop, or you spill a drink on it.

    3. The user is reckless with the device and uses it in a way which is obviously going to cause damage. This is not a case that we expect to happen, but it’s here for completeness sake, and also to delineate case 2 above. For example: you use your laptop as an oven tray (negligent misuse), or you throw your company phone out of the window (intentional damage).

  • Please notify your Team Lead immediately in case of any damage. As the person in possession of the device, your are responsible for notifying the company. There may be time limits (e.g. limited warranty) that we need to observe, and not doing so could lead to higher costs for the company. If you fail to notify the company of the damage, and as a result of the delay, the costs to the company increase, you will be responsible for the extra cost. For example, a product broke while it was still in warranty and could have been repaired for free, but you said nothing and the warranty expired and as a result the company now has to buy a new device at full cost.

  • VAT (aka USt, PDV, VAT) isn’t a cost to the company, so in case there are any leftover costs to be borne by the employee, these would be exclusive of VAT.

Case 1: It malfunctions on it’s own

  • 9Y will try to claim against the product warranty or the insurance.

  • If insurance doesn’t, or doesn’t fully, cover the expense, whatever cost is left is borne 100% by the company.

Case 2: Legit Breakage

  • 9Y will try to claim against our insurance.

  • If insurance doesn’t, or doesn’t fully, cover the expense, whatever cost is left is borne 70% by the company and 30% by the employee who was responsible for the device at the time.

Case 3: Negligent Misuse or Intentional Damage

  • 9Y will try to claim against our insurance.

  • If insurance doesn’t, or doesn’t fully, cover the expense, whatever cost is left is borne 100% by the employee who was responsible for the device at the time.




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