Project Planning States

Project Planning States

Status: Live

Project Planning States



This describes the transition a project takes from the sales process to the product team. In order to properly plan the team resources, this gameplan should be followed.


Project States

We follow the RSC process. There are three different planning states a project can be in:

  1. On the Radar

  2. Scheduled

  3. Comitted


1. On the Radar

Sales wants the Product Team to be aware that there might be a project coming up in the future.

Required Information
  • What is the project about

  • How likely is the project at the moment Likely moderate Unlikely

  • Time Frame rough

    • Start Date

    • Estimation

    • Target Date

  1. Sales fills out the Hubspot deal with all minimum the required information

  2. Sales creates a https://9y-media.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/9RPBK/pages/2421424129

  3. The Resource Manager will put the project on the roadmap in Runn, so that it is on the PT radar

  4. The Resource Manager pings back sales that it’s on the radar, by marking the Slack thread with a 🗓 icon

  • No further action is taken by the PT

  • If there are questions by the sales person, like, can we do this project in June, it goes into Schedule ticket status


2. Scheduled

Sales wants the Product Team to schedule the project according to the client wishes and the available resources.

Required Information
  • What is the project about

  • How likely is the project at the moment Likely moderate Unlikely

  • Time Frame desired (The time frame the customer would like to have)

    • Start Date

    • Estimation

    • Target Date

  • Resources

    • Which Technology is it based on?

    • What is the rule of thumb estimation?

    • Do we need design?

  • How important is the project high normal low

  1. Sales creates a https://9y-media.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/9RPBK/pages/2421424129

  2. ||:
    The Resource Manager will bring the project to the weekly Team Planning JF

    • The desired time frame will be discussed

  3. The JF gets back to Sales with a possible time frame

  4. Sales double checks with the client and either brings up a new suggestion or agrees to the suggested time frame
    :|| [repeat 2-4 until agreed]

  5. The slack thread is marked with 🗓 once everything is agreed upon and the resources have been planned

  • A scheduled and planned project that only requires green light if it does not change

  • Sales has a commitment that they can give the client


3. Committed

Sales gives the green light to the project based on the Schedule Status.

Required Information
  • What is the project about

  • How likely is the project at the moment Likely moderate Unlikely

  • Time Frame agreed (The time frame of the previous state)

    • Start Date

    • Estimation

    • Target Date

  • Resources

    • Which Technology is it based on?

    • What is the rule of thumb estimation?

    • Do we need design?

  • How important is the project high normal low

  • Green Light

  1. Sales creates a https://9y-media.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/9RPBK/pages/2421424129

  2. The Resource Manager double checks the information

  3. The Resource Manager informs the Team Planning JF

  • The project is ready to go at the agreed start date

  • PM will schedule a hand over


Planning States and Time Line

Ongoing Projects & Projects coming up next week

  • Committed State (must have)

    • If not all the conditions are met, the project is pushed a week unless it is explicitly decided to take the risk and keep it (by the PT)

Projects coming up within the next month

  • Scheduled State (should have)

  • On the Radar State (must have)

Projects coming up within 3 months

  • On the Radar State (should have)





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