Career Preview - Information for Employees

Career Preview - Information for Employees

Status: LIVE

Career Preview

This document covers how the bi-annual Career Preview is handled from the perspective of you as an employee. For the manager preparation, please see Career Preview - Information for Leads


If annual reviews are the only time when feedback is given, that's a problem. But it's certainly better than nothing. -John Allain


That’s the no no
Source Julie Zhuo on Medium


That’s the yeah yeah
Source Julie Zhuo on Medium


9Y Approach

Still, the performance review / career preview is important. For us, we want to follow this principle:

Connect a person's past – gaining a detailed understanding of who they are and what motivates them at work through their life story – with their future – the wildest dreams they have for themselves at the pinnacle of their career.

You will hand out a questionnaire for a 360° feedback to the colleagues that you have been working with in the past couple of months. They are given the chance to share their view on your work, your future, and general thoughts. See Appendix A for the detailed instructions.

Additionally, your Team and School Lead will prepare for the interview with the same questions.

It would be great if you can prepare some thoughts on the following questions, so we can then discuss them together with the 360° feedback and the Team & School Lead feedback.


1. Start with the Past

The Strengths

  • Which skills do you have that are really strong?

    • Do you have great design skills?

    • Are you a great communicator?

    • Are you a great team player?

    • Are you very organised?

The Impact

  • Which impact do you have…

    • … on the company culture?

    • … on the team?

    • … on the business?

The Weaknesses

  • In which area do you have room to improve?

    • Do your skills fit your current position?

    • Are there any improvements possible in the areas of

      • Teamplay

      • Tech

      • Leadership

      • Structure

      • … ?

2. Talk about the Future

  • Where do you want to be?

    • Which skills do you want to develop?

    • Which positions do you want to have?

    • Do you want to stay and improve in your current position, or do you want to change?

  • What do you want to achieve?

    • If you think of a longer time frame, where do you want to be?

  • Do I, as your team lead, see you there?

    • Do I, as your Lead, see you going in this direction?

    • Do we want to go there together?

3. Plan for the Present

How can we connect the past to the future?

  • How do the strengths, weaknesses, and other attributes impact the position you want to be in?

What actions can we take to make this happening?

  • Can we give you a different position?

  • Is there a training we can provide you with?

  • Can we organise a test run in a certain position?

Is there a chance to do this?

  • Do I, as your team lead, see you in this position?

  • Do we have the possibilities inside the company?

What does this imply salary / compensation wise?

  • The salary discussion can be part of the Career Preview





Appendix A - 360° Questionnaire

  1. Make a copy of this templates in your drive Folder

    1. When the template is open you can make a copy by clicking on the Kebab Menu (“More” menu with the three vertical dots on the right side of the “Send” button) and selecting the “Make a copy” option

    2. The copy is automatically saved in the Google Drive Shared Folder “Career Preview” , if you do not wish for your colleagues to see your feedback you need to move it into your own “My Drive”

  2. Give editor access to your Team Lead and your School Lead

  3. Together with the Team Lead and School Lead, agree on the participants for your 360° Review

  4. You then send it out to the participants

    1. You can also fill it out together with them

  5. The results will then be discussed during the Career Preview Meeting with your Team Lead and School Lead


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