Sick Leave

Sick Leave

Status: LIVE

Sick Leave

  • If you don’t feel good and want to stay at home, request sick leave via Productive. Similar to Holiday Requests

    • Request it for the duration of your illness, you can also take a half day for example.

    • You can also track doctor’s appointments here (see the note below regarding travel time)

    • Request it at the start of your sick leave.

    • It’s important that you do this so that we have a record of your sick leave and can pay this out. No record = it’s not paid.

  • Doctor’s sick notes are required for any sick leave longer than 3 days. If you are sick for a longer period of time please visit the doctor and get a confirmation of illness (=sick note) and send it the EA via email. The sick note has to cover the entire period that you are sick (e.g. if you are sick for 4 days, the note must cover the full 4 days).

  • If your illness is extended (or shortened), please keep your Team Lead and EA updated. Let them know when they can expect you to be back. Please also get your sick notes extended.

    • Post a message in the Core channel when you are back

  • If there are important duties which cannot be dropped, please assign someone to take care of them in your absence. You cannot help being sick, but it is still your duty to ping someone and ask them to take over in your absence so that we don't drop the ball. To be clear: you shouldn’t work when sick or otherwise indisposed, but it’s not OK to just disappear and have clients show up to ghost-town calls etc. Don’t work, just be sure to take a minute to assign someone to take over while you’re gone, and cancel what needs cancelling. See Crossover Person Protocol. (In emergencies, this might not be possible, so use your common sense, no one expects you to manage your calendar while you’re being airlifted after a skiing accident – the exceptions to this rule should be pretty obvious.)

  • Let people know! See Out of Office


Doctor’s appointments travel time rule

  • Doctors appointments - use the Sick Leave entitlement in Productive. Travel time can also be tracked (partly).

    • Example 1 (at the beginning of a working day):

      • The appointment is at 9am, planned time is 2h and travel time is 30min. You start work at 9am.

      • You can track the 2h for the appointment (9am - 11am) and 30 min for the travel time between doctor and workplace (11 am - 11.30 am).

    • Example 2 (at the end of a working day):

      • The appointment is at 4pm, planned time is 2h and travel time is 30min. You end work at 6pm.

      • You can track the 2h for the appointment (4 pm - 6 pm) and 30 min for the travel time between workplace and doctor (3.30 pm - 4 pm).

    • Example 3 (in the middle of a working day):

      • The appointment is at 1 pm, planned time is 2h and travel time is 30min. You start work at 9am and end work at 6 pm.

      • You can track the 2h for the appointment (1pm - 3 pm) and 2x30 min for the travel time between workplace and doctor and back (12.30am and 1 pm as well as 3 pm-3.30 pm).





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